About the Library

The library materials in the German School of Fremont library are available to all GSF students and offer an excellent opportunity to extend the learning experience outside of the classroom. Students in all levels who attend in person classes stop by each week to borrow and return library materials as part of their school day.

There is a large variety of topics with levels that range from easy to advanced, suitable for children through young adult.

Our library collection has approximately 700 books, DVDs and CDs open to the GSF students, as well as an additional teaching resource section specifically for our GSF teachers. Our collection continues to grow thanks to generous GSF students’ families book donations. Some examples of our materials include: board books and beginner readers (Erstlesebücher), chapter books of varying levels, Tiptoi books that work with or without the Tiptoi pen, fairy tales (Märchenbücher) and many young adult classics. From the kleine Drache Kokosnuss series, Wer Wie Was exploratory books, popular books originally in English translated into German such as Dogman and pixi books for the youngest ones, GSF students, we take pride in our expanding collection.

If you have library materials in German that you would like to donate to our collection, please contact us to learn more.

Weekly Library Schedule

10:50 am

11:00 am

11:10 am

Library open weekly from 10:30-11:30am, except on school-wide event dates (for details check the school-wide calendar)

Parent & Child

C1a Class

C1b/C1c Class

C2 visits every other week

C3 & C4 visit on the first week of each month

Library Policies

  1. Any currently enrolled GSF student may check out up to three library items per library day cycle (library item available to check out currently are books, DVDs and CDs)

  2. In order to check out new items, the borrowed items must first be returned.

  3. You may keep a borrowed item longer than one cycle but it should first be renewed and can be extended for up to three library day cycles. Others may want to read/watch/listen to the same item and we need to be mindful of sharing.

  4. You are responsible for keeping the borrowed item in good condition. Please keep items away from pet, food, beverages and other potential hazards.

  5. Taking care of lost or damaged books will be handled case by case.

Thank you for your efforts for keeping our library items in good condition and working order so the entire GSF community can enjoy the library for now in years to come!

GSF Library Committee

Library Volunteering and Donations

The GSF library depends on your support to keep it open and available to its students. Please consider volunteering to help set up/tear down and help with library material loans and returns.

Please contact our GSF library committee head Kirsten Fahrenbach (through the contact@gsfremont.org email) if you are interested in volunteering in our library or have German language materials you would like to donate.